Atriyo Technologies ERP software typically consists of multiple enterprise software that is based on specific needs and technical capabilities of the organization. Our ERP for buying the house is focused on one area of business processes, such as product development or marketing. Our ERP module includes the product planning, material purchasing, inventory Management Software, distribution and accounting, marketing, finance and HR facilities.

As the ERP methodology has become more popular, software applications have emerged to help business managers implement ERP into other business activities and may incorporate modules for CRM and business intelligence, presenting it as a single unified package.
Recommended Reading: The Difference between CRM and ERP The basic goal of using an enterprise resource planning system is to provide one central repository for all information that is shared by all the various ERP facets to improve the flow of data across the organization.
Enterprise ERP Trends
The ERP field can be slow to change, but the last couple of years have unleashed forces which are fundamentally shifting the entire area. The following new and continuing trends affect enterprise ERP software: